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about us

#1 Bespoke House-Call Personal Training Est. 2007

Singapore Personal Trainers Sitting and Talking to Each Other

Meet Singapore's most-trusted personal trainers!

Who are we and what do we do?

Results! Personal Training is Singapore’s premier mobile fitness provider. We deliver highly-experienced and science-based health and fitness expertise to your doorsteps.

Be it at your nearby park or at the gym of the hotel you’re staying in, we’ll meet your schedule for personal training to kickstart and ensure your fitness journey goes the extra mile!



If you’re reading this, you’ll already have a fitness goal in mind. Be it losing weight, enhancing your overall fitness or rehabilitation after injury, we can help you achieve it with guaranteed results. Here’s what we’ll do:

  • Assess your current fitness level
  • Review your goals
  • Create a training programme tailored just for you
  • Design a nutrition plan to support you
  • Achieve your goal together


And, we’re not just about hard sweat, grit and pushing the limits either — we believe in spurring you on with simple but challenging workouts that you’ll happily adopt for the rest of your life!

About Our Founder

Tze Khit

Hello, I’m Tze Khit — but you can just call me Khit! I started Results! Personal Training back in 2007 with nothing but a fiery passion to help Singaporeans build a better body for themselves. Back then, we were a 2-man team who travelled to houses, condos, parks, public gyms and even hotel gyms for our clients! Fast forward to today, that passion still burns as brightly as ever. We’ve refined out programs for guaranteed satisfaction and results. We’ve pooled together the best passionate and results-oriented personal trainers. We’ve helped thousands of Singaporeans get fitter, healthier and stronger! We also run our own gym – Gold Gym’s as well as a NCSF Personal Trainer Certification Course! Over the years we’ve certified thousands of personal trainers. With that, I hope you’ll join us at Results! Personal Training to kickstart your healthy journey that stays with you for the rest of your life. Please feel free to contact me for any inquiries about getting fitter and healthier! Here’s to your success!
Singapore Personal Trainer Tze Khit talking to trainee