What’s the most powerful muscle building training workout in the world?
Actually there’s none. Even the best workout can turn stale if you use it for too long.
However, a workout that follows the principles that we are going to discuss will yield pretty good results, if you stick to it!
1) It must allow for progressive overload, ie you must get stronger doing it. If you use the same weights day in day out for the past 3 years, chances are you haven’t built any new muscles at all.
2) It should utilize different rep ranges (6-15) in order to achieve both myofibrillar & sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (increase in size and of muscle fibers as well as increase in fluid storage which leads to size increase)
3) It should have enough volume for each bodypart
4) Last but not least, it should be safe!
Here’s a sample 3 day workout routine we can follow. Get stronger (with good exercise form), eat enough and rest well – you should get bigger in no time.
Day 1:
Chest (usually a Monday. Monday is ALWAYS chest day)
Barbell bench press 4×6
Incline dumbbell press 4×8-10
Decline dumbbell flies 3×12
Pullovers 2×15
Pullups 4×6
Dumbbell rows 4×8-10
Facepulls 3×12
Straight arm pulldown 2×15
Day 2:
Squats 4×6
Single leg deadlifts 4×8-10
Lunges 3×12
Leg presses 2×15
Calf raises 4×10
Ab wheel 4×6
Hanging leg raises 3×8-10
Rope crunch 3×15
Day 3:
Seated dumbbell shoulder press 4×6
Standing barbell shoulder press 3×8-10
Side lateral raises 3×12
Front delt raises 3×12
Rear delt raises 3×12
Dips 4×6
Skullcrushers 3×10-12
Barbell curl 4×6
Preacher curl 3×10-12
Now that you have a program, get off your butt, head to gym, train hard and starting packing on some serious mass!