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Pre-natal Tag

Pregnancy and childbirth are accompanied by some pretty significant changes in your body, whether that be emotionally, mentally, or physically. For many new mothers, returning to exercise regime after postpartum is an essential step towards reclaiming their health and vitality. However, navigating the transition from pregnancy to postpartum requires careful consideration to make sure that you don’t harm yourself. Hence, understanding your postpartum recovery timeline, choosing appropriate Postpartum exercises, and knowing which activities to avoid are important for your successful return to fitness. In this blog post, you are going

Being pregnant is the happiest and most worrisome period for women. This phase demands an extra level of care that ensures good health and fitness for both mother and child. Women may experience many issues like lower back pain, urinary incontinence, and diastasis recti during pregnancy and after delivery.    However, the ladies with a strong core can handle these changes easily as physical & mental fitness acts as a natural support system that provides stability. To overcome the issues and make this stage of life more manageable, you must follow some