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Tze Khit

Personal Trainer Singapore Khit

Tze Khit

Tze Khit is an extremely goal orientated personal trainer. He specializes in helping both males and females lose weight and tone up their bodies. Seeing his clients improve day by day and looking at how excited they get when they talk about the fantastic results they get from dieting and training never fails to put a smile on his face. Equipped with extensive knowledge in human anatomy, physiology and injury rehabilitation, Tze Khit utilizes a holistic approach to health and fitness, providing advice and guidance not only in the areas of training but also on his client’s lifestyle and most importantly, their diets. That way, he is able to maximize results and allow them to reach their fitness goals quickly. The key here is the strict adherence to his program.

Before training begins, Tze Khit will conduct a functional movement screen test. This test evaluates your movement pattern quality, pin-pointing your musculoskeletal system’s weaknesses and imbalances so that a customized training program can be drawn up to suit your body perfectly. Underutilized techniques such as self myofascial release, neuromuscular activation and integrated core training will also be incorporated into your training program to maximize results and minimize the risk of injuries.


1) Bachelor’s Degree in Science (Sports & Exercise Science), Edith Cowan University, Australia
2) Certified Fitness Instructor from the Singapore Sports Council (SSC)
3) National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) Certified Personal Trainer
4) National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) Sport Nutrition Specialist
5) National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) Certified Strength Coach