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January 2023

Since the early 2010s, our social-driven culture has groomed us to be more than just employees of a big corporation, working 9-to-5, and keeping happy with a stable job with a single source of income. In this digital day and age of virtual connections, we are enabled to find side hustles, turn our passions into side incomes, and build an empire from a small start up right from our bedroom. Our generation has become hungrier for bigger dreams, and with that, they also strive to live life with discipline and be

State of the art machines with self-serve lemon water on tap - Being an exclusive member to a luxurious gym is often the ambition of many Personal Trainers, the reality however, is that with the ever fluctuating and increasing gym rates, it’s not the most feasible option especially if you’re just starting out. The bright and bold silver lining is that you as a Personal Trainer actually have free access to multiple outdoor exercise equipment peppered all over our cozy country - yes that’s right - we’re referring to the neighborhood