How to get the most out of Personal Training
Personal training isn’t cheap. A session starts at a low average of $80 all the way to $200 per hour for some personal trainers! Trying to get the most out of your sessions will therefore be a sensible thing to do. Here are some tips on how you can do just that: 1. Prioritize your personal training sessions and reserve energy for them. If you enter a session feeling drained and lethargic surely the training effect will be suboptimal. There are many ways to make sure you are fresh when you do
Finding that balance between Prata and Personal Training
“A moment on the lips, forever on the hips” - maybe you’ve heard of this before. Nobody loves these kinds of guilty reminders that all our favorite local treats come with a fatty lining. Not all cholesterol is harmful though, Some are bad, but some are innocent and good. Cholesterol may even give you a more effective workout because your body needs HDL cholesterol to make hormones, build cells, and work your metabolism. It is important for testosterone production and it is also one of the more crucial hormones related
4 Biggest Mistakes Personal Trainers Make
Already training with a personal trainer in Singapore or thinking of hiring one? Make sure he/she is not making these mistakes when coaching you. 1. Changing up exercises or training programs too often. Some personal trainers, especially in big gyms in Singapore with lots of equipment, fall into the trap of using too many exercises, thinking that sticking to a few good exercises will shortchange their clients. Imagine going to the gym week 1 doing dumbbell bench press, week 2 doing incline barbell press, week 3 doing dips and week 4 doing push-ups.