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June 2023

If you’re a true local, you’ll know that we frequent our kopitiams and hawker centres for most of our meals. It’s hot, yes, but the food smells amazing, the wok hey is tantalising, the choices are overwhelming - it’s all such a wonderful experience. But while taste and aroma draws you to start queuing, it is equally important to consider the health benefits such as nutrients, calories, and what good it’s going to do for you. So Personal Trainer Khit is going to assess some of your favourite foods. 1. Hainanese

In the pursuit of a healthy and fit lifestyle, personal trainers have emerged as invaluable allies. While their primary role is to guide and motivate individuals in achieving their fitness goals, these trainers provide much more than just training tips. They offer comprehensive support for holistic health, addressing various aspects of well-being, including diet planning, alternative exercises such as yoga or stretches, and lifestyle habit changes like sleep management. I mean, admit it, you have been bingeing Bridgerton 1 and 2 before the launch of Season 3. So let’s explore

Ah… the question everyone asks especially at the beginning of the year when setting their ‘New Year New Me’ resolution. Well, training with a personal trainer and training on your own are two completely different approaches to achieving your fitness goals. While one provides accountability, motivation, and personalized guidance, the other offers freedom, flexibility, and self-direction - what is it you’re looking for? Let’s deep dive into the key differences between both.   Training with a Personal Trainer in Singapore Personal training is a one-on-one session with a qualified fitness professional who designs