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April 2022

I am going to show you a proven method that unlocks your fat burning potential, and puts you on track towards success. Have you been struggling to lose weight? Spending tons of energy and time exercising, but not seeing any results? Or have you attained some success in your quest for weight loss, but only to gain them all back after some time? Experiencing the Rebound-effect or the Yo-yo effect?   Why do some people manage to keep the fats off while others pile it back on? Well, to answer this question, I am

We usually think of shaping up and getting fit as exercising and dieting. But go beyond that, and you’ll see that for change to be sustainable, you need to build new habits – habits that are healthier and support your change in lifestyle.   Let's explore the unconventional; less often thought of apps that you could use while trying to achieve weight loss, and if you’re already using an app to track your progress, are you using the right type of app?   They say it takes 3 week to form a new habit.

This week, we explore the theme of females a little further, and describe the types of female bodies there generally are.   TYPE 1: The curvy and voluptuous lady Think Beyoncé. This type of body has high muscle mass, moderate body fat. This type of body usually… • Trains a lot and so is able to achieve a decent amount of muscle mass for a toned body. • However, continues to maintain moderate levels of body fat, which explains the curves. • Also, they are blessed with the genetics to help them keep their ass and boobs,

What are breasts made of Breasts contain no muscles of their own to hold them up. Rather, breasts are made of fat, glands, milk ducts, and a type of connective tissue called the "Cooper's ligaments," which are thought to provide some structural support. Causes of breast sag 1) Aging As a woman gets older, these ligaments may get stretched and lose elasticity. Breasts may lose fullness and size as they lose their underlying support system of tissue and fat.   2) Improper support during sports When a woman runs, jogs, or engages in other vigorous exercise, her

It’s that time of the year again when inspiration hits and we’re prompted to evaluate what’s important in life! Health is undoubtedly always one of the top priorities. If it isn’t, it should be! Part of staying healthy is getting your fitness levels in shape. To do this, realistic and achievable goals need to be set, but how do you know what is realistic and achievable?   These 4 ways to gauge will help you understand what measures you should be using to attain your fitness goals.   1) Weight Loss vs. Toning: First decide on

There is never a better time to work out and get fit. Nowadays, gyms are popping up everywhere and it is extremely convenient for people visit a gym. Decided to join a fitness club and start losing some weight? How do the larger, flashier commercial gyms compare with the smaller, more humble private gyms? Find out now!   Cost of Memberships In most cases, membership prices to large commercial gyms or smaller private gyms are similar. However, in some cases, when you sign up for personal training services with a private gym, they offer

With some many articles on how to choose a good personal trainer, how about a short rant on how a good client should and should not behave? Training clients with positive traits as elaborated below definitely makes an enjoyable job even more enjoyable. In my humble opinion, EVERY client who takes up personal training should reads this. Enjoy.   1) Sets Reasonable Expectations It's great to have goals but it is very important to keep them realistic. Nowadays people are just too impatient and it’s common to hear people wanting to lose 50

Muscle is in. Skinny jeans? Out.   Many Hollywood actors are getting bigger, more muscular and yet leaner than ever. And the whole world is loving that look. How do they achieve those bodies that no normal person seem to be able to achieve? Better still, many of them are like inflatable balloons, skinny for one role and muscular for another, looking totally different only 3 months apart. This article today is really about setting your expectations right.   Too many times clients come up to me and say they want a Hollywood A lister’s body.

Last week, we talked about food snacks that you can eat while you are on your weight loss programme. This week, we take the opposite view and look at for snacks you must stop eating now because they are really not as healthy as you believe them to be.   These snacks, unlike the obviously unhealthy snacks, are deceptively healthy. They are usually snacks which may have been healthier in their original form, but having been coated with sugar, like preserved fruits, or been processed, like soy milk, or just made up

So let’s be clear when we talk about Mandarin Oranges – “Mandarin oranges” is in fact a term which references a group of citrus fruits. It includes several varieties such as the Satsuma, Clementine, Dancy, Honey, Pixie and Tangerine. What this means is that the tangerine is a mandarin orange, but not all mandarin oranges are tangerines!   Antioxidant Properties Mandarins provide up to 80 percent of the daily vitamin C requirements for the body. Vitamin C has been established as a potent antioxidant. It strips free radicals of much of their harmful

Some people are just resistant to the idea of using supplements, claiming that they are ‘unnatural’ and wants to obtain all nutrients from whole foods instead. Please understand that supplements are not drugs (although they look similar). When used properly, it can aid in many bodily functions and possibly provide better health to the person who takes it. Here is a list of reasons that support the use of nutritional supplements. Hopefully those of you who insist on not taking supplements will think twice and make an informed decision after

King of fruits and one of Singaporeans’ favourites – the durian. It has gotten quite a bad reputation, citing its high fat, high sugar and high total caloric value as reasons to avoid this fruit at all costs. Let’s take a closer look at this delicious fruit. Nutritional value: Serving size: 1 fruit (602g) Total calories: 968 Fats: 32g Carbohydrates: 163g Dietary fibre: 23g Protein: 9g Even though durians contain a significant amount of fats and calories, the fats in durians are non-saturated and there is zero cholesterol. Thus, there are no negative effects of these fats on

Tried embarking on a weight loss and toning program but failed to see significant results? Saw significant results on a fat loss program but failed to keep it off? It could very well be because of these common mistakes men make while trying to get into shape. Read on to find out how you can avoid these mistakes and see fantastic results.   Eating too little protein on a weight loss program Men typically consume more meat than women but sometimes on a diet there might be a tendency to cut down on

Are you looking to embark on a weight loss program? Successful weight loss programs for men shouldn't be complicated. Other than improving aesthetics and self-confidence, weight loss brings about plenty of health benefits and reduces the chances of getting various ailments. Today, let’s discuss the 4 pillars to weight loss and toning for men.   Diet Setting up a proper diet – that is the first and most important step in setting up our weight loss program. A program without a well-thought-out diet plan will rarely succeed. A good starting point is to eat

Previously, we covered 5 suggestions on the nutrition aspect of fitness while traveling. In this final part of the article, we will go through some ideas for exercising while traveling. 1) Make it a point to workout at least once Continuing with what you have already been doing prior to traveling will help you stay on track on your fitness goal. However, we know that this is an ideal situation, and when traveling many things can take us off your ideal plan. Therefore, the idea is to do what is close to what

The previous part covered the key ideas for staying in shape while traveling. Let us now dive into the nutrition aspect. Note: This part assumes the reader does not count macronutrients. 1) Match your meal frequency to your schedule Let's face it - traveling can be hectic even though it's fun. A lot of time is spent on getting from one place to another. As such, it may be difficult to get in our scheduled, standard meals in. For instance, it may be difficult to get breakfast in if you have to leave early

Ahh, it's that time of the year again to let go of commitments for a while and go abroad to have fun. To take in the sights, sounds, smell and taste of everything foreign. Traveling sounds fun to most people. Unfortunately, for many people who are conscious about how they look, traveling may pose a challenge to their fitness routine. If you've ever felt frustrated about trying to keep your fitness routine while abroad, worry no further! This article will help you out. Simply follow the following few principles and you will be

6 packs training. Getting those sexy muscles to show up prominently on our bodies. Indeed, many would agree that there is not much better feeling than waking up with some soreness in the abs the day after a good ab workout. Or as the current term goes, core workout.   However, what exactly does "core" refer to? Many people are probably unaware, but the term was first coined by Bob Gajda and Dr Richard Dominquez in 1982 in their book Total Body Training. It was stated in the book the following: "The first essential concept

1) How soon can I start training after giving birth? This really depends on what kind of birth you delivered. Was it a natural delivery, or a C-section/ Ceaserean? Was your delivery a smooth one, or one with complications? Also, were you exercising before your pregnancy? Having already had an active lifestyle before your delivery helps condition your body. Your muscles would more likely be in a readier state for conditioning again after the stress of delivery, so your waiting time after delivery is likely to be shorter before you can pick

Do you have a passion for fitness and all things healthy? This passion should ideally expand beyond a love for hitting the gym and straining your muscles. While being fit yourself is part of the job, being a Personal Trainer is really about helping others achieve their fitness and health related goals. Personal Training can give you flexibility in your time management, but really thriving as a trainer means you need to establish your reputation in the industry, and have good interpersonal skills. Clients can be demanding, unreasonable or unmotivated –